The Driftless Folk School Apr26

The Driftless Folk S...

If you live anywhere near Wisconsin (or within close proximity to an airport), the Driftless Folk School is the ideal destination for the sustainably minded who want to learn, well, pretty much anything. Want to learn about fruit tree grafting? Interested in foraging for wild edibles? What...

Vermicomposting Social Network (Yes, It Does Exist) Oct24

Vermicomposting Soci...

Yes, there is a social network for people who love worms. Vermicomposting is the use of worms in composting techniques to create new soil, fertilizer, and rich compost. is a social network and information hub for people interested and passionate about vermicomposting. It...

Chicken Coops: Build Your Own with Plans from BackYardChickens.Com Oct21

Chicken Coops: Build...

Want to build your own chicken coop for fresh eggs and poultry year-round? Check out all the plans available at BackYardChickens.Com. BackYard Chickens is a great resource for anyone interested in raising their own chickens. With resources that range from breed info to coop plans, BackYard...

Introduction to Growing Asparagus Oct19

Introduction to Grow...

Growing asparagus is increasing in popularity, especially among those establishing a more sustainable food source. As a perennial with an amazing amount of flexibility in the kitchen, it is no wonder the popularity is increasing. With potential for years of production, asparagus farming has a...

Growing Shiitake Mushrooms (Courtesy Falls Brook Centre) Oct17

Growing Shiitake Mus...

Growing Shiitake Mushrooms can be an incredibly rewarding experience. Some even use Shiitake Mushrooms as a cash crop. This PDF is provided by Falls Brook Centre, a great resource in itself. Learn how to easily grow Shiitake Mushrooms step-by-step. All it takes is a little bit of ingenuity...